I Quit Drinking for 90 Days. These Are the Results

by C.T. Kerney

The year 2020 has been the weirdest five years of my life, or at least that’s what it feels like. It struck me just like it did most other people: I lost my job; I was stuck at home with people constantly surrounding me and it caused all sorts of problems mentally and emotionally with different friends and loved ones.

I decided to do something for me though. I decided I was going to stop drinking for 90 days. I saw myself falling into the same patterns of drinking too much and not worrying about my weight, my happiness or anything else. I saw myself at the top of the spiral staircase and was not going to pull a Sydney Andrews from Melrose Place (look it up if you don’t understand that reference, then watch the entire series. You’re welcome in advance). I thought that not drinking this whole time would be impossible and I kept telling myself “one day at a time.” I can successfully say, I did it and the benefits that happened, were some that I never saw coming.

First, I was able to start building my side business. I have been wanting to do some influencing on social media for different fitness projects. I booked about six or seven different campaigns in a mere two months after never having done it before. I reached out to connections, started posting more in Instagram (@ctkerney) and it all clicked. I gained a whole bunch of new followers and I’ve even made money from the campaigns, it’s not just free product if you talk about us.


Second, the mental benefits of taking a break for a while, have been outstanding. My mind was so clear that when I would meet with my therapist, I was able to accept all the bull I’d been saying was my issues and actually work on real issues. It was a lot more apparent that I had some major anxiety over issues that happened long before I even had my first taste of alcohol. That’s enlightening to say the least. It also has created this weird part in my soul where I feel like part of me is being placed back together. Trauma is a real thing and I honestly believe everyone should talk to someone, even if life is great, because it will only help make it even better. Face it, who doesn’t wat a better life? Also, if you’re struggling with mental health, I recommend telling someone. You can’t get help if you are suffering alone.

Third, I lost -20lbs. Now, when I graduated college (I’m only 5’8), I weighed 240/245 lbs. I was severely overweight. I wasn’t really overweight as a kid, it just kind of happened. Since then, I lost about 65 or so pounds and now I’ve lost another 20 on top of it. I’m hovering right around the 160 mark and it’s like a different life. I see old pictures of me, and I don’t remember being that heavy or looking like that, but the proof is in the polaroid (photo for all my young buck’s). Not only the physical benefits of losing weight but the mental benefits, you honestly start to look at yourself different and the world looks at you differently too. I can barely put into words what it feels like, but if you’ve ever lost weight or changed your life, people notice. It’s an awesome feeling and it keeps you motivated to keep pushing.

Best benefit, I saved up enough money to put a down payment on a car. My car was stolen last year, and I’ve been without a car this whole time. I never had any money and I could never seem to get it together. Once I stopped drinking, I slowly put that money away that I would be spending at the liquor store or the bar and next thing I know, within two months, I had more than enough for the down payment. I bought myself a barely used 2017 Honda Civic, which is gorgeous. It’s not your father’s Civic from when I was 17, I’ll tell you that.

Have I had a drink since I finished my 90-day cleanse? Absolutely. I’m not drinking like I used to though. I did it as a social thing and found out that I can go to the bar and not have a drink. It actually wasn’t that hard and my friends and everyone knew what I was doing, and they totally supported me. They would buy me a Coke or water and every once in a while, would try to tempt me but when I saw all the other benefits happening, it was completely worth it. 90 days is not that long and once you get through the first two weeks, it actually becomes pretty easy.

I suggest everyone try it. Even if you just go a week or two at first, you will start to see a difference and it really does help. I recommend always cleansing yourself once in a while just to give your body a break. I’m very glad I did.

If you have done it, what are your thoughts? What other benefits did you see? I would love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “I Quit Drinking for 90 Days. These Are the Results”

  1. C.T., this is awesome. Very proud of you (not to be taken condescendingly). The benefits are indeed amazing. Today is Day 248 for me, and I feel like a new person. First, as you mention, the weight. I’ve dropped 70 pounds since March, some of which was medical-related but much of which was zero alcohol calories. Roughly 1,000 calories a day, every day, down to zero really adds up. I’ve discovered the tastiness of “mocktails” of all sorts that are delicious at a tiny fraction of the calories. Serve it in a cocktail glass or a wine glass and you can still feel like part of the party. Deferred all that cash I was dropping to other things (like helping to get us out of our money pit of a house), get into a mortgage-free condo, etc. That, too, had added up. Wearing all kinds of clothes I haven’t fit into in years, and even the “skinny” ones are too big. Shopping trip in order, stat. Much more….we should get together over a mocktail 🙂

    • I’m so proud of you. Being someone who lost over 80 lbs myself, I know what that’s like. I think you look amazing and you are doing awesome. Let’s go on a shopping trip for new clothes, as we have new jobs to celebrate and we can get together soon. <3

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