Marketing: Yesterday’s Rues, Today’s Results

We all know that TikTok and other online sharing platforms are the way to market our businesses today. However, don’t forget about tried and true marketing techniques that can help your LGBTQ+ operation grow into the business of your dreams. Things like word-of-mouth, business cards, postcards, custom clothing, and in-person events are all fully relevant today.


Traditionally, word-of-mouth marketing was, according to Investopedia, triggered by dialogues between a customer and a potential customer. It’s highly effective because people trust others. But there’s no shame in giving your WOM marketing efforts a bit of a push in the form of an influencer shout-out. Pink Media can help connect you with the right LGBTQ+ influencer to get marketing messages across, either hyper-local or far and wide.

Business Cards

Business cards are not antiquated, and they have not been fully replaced by scannable QR codes. By contrast, a well-designed business card leaves your potential customers with a token to remind them of you. You can use a premade template with your own colors, fonts, texts, and other elements so that you can leave a tangible piece of yourself behind. Check out these fun ideas from the Bored Panda blog for inspiration. If you have a bit of a budget to spare, consider things like metal engraved business cards or magnets with valuable local information, such as emergency numbers, that your customers can stick on the refrigerator.


It’s true postcards are often junk mail, but they can also be an inexpensive way to grab your customers’ attention, especially if you need to remind them of an appointment or upcoming service call. Your postcards or other mailers can also offer special discounts or make announcements about staff or service changes. To design an eye-catching postcard, consider going oversized and using images that draw attention. You can find stock photos online; Foleon recommends several sites, including Vecteezy and Stockvault.

Custom Clothing

We all want to look our best, and you can present your business in its best light while also helping your employees look smooth and svelte with custom screen printed or embroidered uniforms or apparel. Prudential Overall Supply also explains that your uniforms help your business stand out and create a cohesive relationship among your team members. You can even offer your logoed apparel for sale or as giveaways. Remember, anytime someone wears your T-shirt, it’s highly visible. Plus, considering the cost of custom apparel is much lower than consumers typically believe, T-shirts and other items are considered high-value gifts that demand psychological loyalty.

In-Person Events

Like business cards, in-person events are not dead. Now, more than ever, in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, people crave the human element. Look for events or, better yet, host your own so that you can get down and dirty and in the crowd with the people that want to patronize your business. Ask about Pink Media receptions where you can meet and mingle with your local gay community. If you choose to host your own events, spend the time researching other events in the area to ensure that your big day is not overshadowed by other LGBT-oriented events, such as concerts.

Whether you are a gay-owned business or simply support the plight of LGBT workers, marketing your intentions is a great way to help reduce discrimination, create a better working environment, and gain a few new customers along the way. Whether you’re whipping out a business card or meeting and mingling in person, the above tips can help you use yesterday’s marketing practices to get results today.