#PrideMonth Encore Celebration of Friendship, Community & Pride

Brought to us by Bud Light for #Pride2017, we have the unique opportunity to hear from a diverse set of voices, describing in their own words what LGBT Pride means to them!

Meet Guy and Dane, and they will share with you how their friendship was integral to having the right support in place for coming out, finding confidence and being each other’s #Upstanders to homophobia.
Guy, who is an activist, community leader and author from Washington DC, was diagnosed with HIV as a teen, and has since then dedicated his life to fighting HIV/Aids-related stigmas. In his Pride video, Guy was filmed together with his best friend, Dane. “For me, he is home.”, Guy describes his friend. “I wasn’t accepted as a gay kid. It would be like – ‘Dane could you come get me, my mom kicked me out again’.” “We’re your fathers, we’re your mothers, we’re your brothers, we’re your sisters, we’re your uncles, your pastors, your teachers. So celebrate us in that sense.”

These personal videos were created as part of Bud Light’s #Pride2017 initiative, tapping into a vast network of individuals they knew, sharing compelling stories from across the LGBTQ+ community spectrum.

Meet Iman and her friends. They will share with you how they found each other, the importance of diversity, and how their friendship strengthens each day as they stand up for and celebrate each other. And they are not just proud of that, but as they say, “We are pride!”


Meet John. He shares with you about his journey to share his identity, the importance of friendship, finding community and showing his #pride.
John is a photographer and bartender who moved from Miami to NYC.
“For a long time I was really afraid to be myself”, John recalls in his video. “I lived very much in secrecy. I didn’t come out until I was 26.”
But now, John no longer hesitates. He has no more secrets, or anything he has to hold back. Watch his moving description of what Pride means to him.


Meet Tamara and Carly. They will share with you they celebrate their friendship, community and #pride.

Bud Light teamed up with the Tyler Clementi Foundation on this project.  A note from the folks at Tyler Clementi – “Finding people who support you is integral to coming out, finding confidence and being each other’s #Upstanders if you, like many, face #bullying, harassment or hostility because of your gender identity or sexuality. Having a close friend (or friends) that you trust as support is a great way to counter the long-term impacts of bullying.”

Be a friend, be an #Upstander to bullying and take the #UpstanderPledge (http://www.tylerclementi.org/pledge).